
Thursday, January 31, 2008

The thin line between Chuck and Nate..

At the end of it
Blaire still chose Nate over Chuck
Beats me why though..
When it was obvious that Nate
was a weakling.
He has proven in a short span of time
that he is not trustworthy.
That when he craves attention and Blaire
cannot give it he can easily find other
girls to fill in.
And his "thing" with Serena is enough
reason for any girl to ditch him.
Chuck is not that good either.
He is clearly the perfect example of the
stereotype "playboy". Different girls
every night and loves to gamble the night away.
But his Playboy ways momentarily stopped when
he realized he has feelings for Blaire.
He was there when Blaire needed him. He
comforted her, cared for her. Though admittedly
there were some instances that he was selfish
and it cannot be denied that
he did those things because there are some things
that he could gain.

If Nate is a gentleman, then Chuck is a knight.
If Nate is a goody-two-shoes, then Chuck must be a Saint.
But no Nate is not a gentleman nor is he a goody-
Because if Chuck is tactless, Nate is a liar.
If Chuck is bothersome, Nate is a deceiver.
And if Chuck is a sinner, Nate is Hades coming to conquer.

But wait am I still talking about Gossip Girl???
hmmm it seems like its a different story...
yeah MINE.


"sana ako nalang....."

haayy..you don't know how many times
I have said that phrase hoping that one day
when you look into my eyes I will see
me and not her...
but I got tired of waiting...

In the end I decided I am worthy of something more.
That I deserve to have if not everything at least the
best there is and not just hurried stolen moments.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

MuSiC etc...

slept late, meaning slept at around 2am
predictably woke up late but it doesn't really matter
coz I don't have class in the morning
went to school and was almost late because I left the
house a little later than I should have
but I when I got to my room
my professor wasn't there yet and he was late for at least 15 mins
and then we didn't discuss anything
not that I was complaining about that but
he made us listened instead into a number of classical and opera music
that I do not really appreciate
those type of music usually made me sleepy
and I'm not really a music lover
So I spent the first part of the period just trying to keep myself awake
and at least look interested
I doodled on my paper, read my notes, stare into space, drink c2,talk
to my seatmate,look longingly outside, tried to really listen but nothing
really worked to help me stop dosing off and so I succumbed to a few minutes
of a much needed powernap.
Then I was awaken by the sudden vibrating of my phone.
Irritated and still a bit sleepy
I spent the remaining time
trying to figure out what movie were
those songs used.
When the bell rang I was relieved
I went out of the room as fast as I can
went to OSCI
and have my medical clearance done
Thinking that it wouldn't take me that long
I scheduled the clearance to be done in between my classes
but apparently I was wrong
I had to wait for 30 mins to get my medical check-up done
only to be told that I was probably anemic, underweight and
have to be careful about my bloodpressure.
I would have been alarmed of the things that I have just learned
but I have other on my mind so I don't have that much time to dwell
on it. I was late for class and I really have a lot of catching up
to do. I rushed out of the room as soon as the physician finished
with me and arrived at my class looking hassled.
I must have looked pretty windblown coz
my classmates can't help but stare at me.
And it wasn't the polite staring, mind you
it was just STARING
like they were shocked or something..haha
so that was my rather long narration of my day
I just miss blogging so I made this extra long

Friday, January 11, 2008

what makes a birthday


gifts do not make a birthday special
it is rather the birthday greetings
that would wake me up at 2am in the morning
and the simple acts of hugging and kissing me

from people that matters
and from people that don't matter much
but appreciated nonetheless

I am a simple person
I do not need gifts to make me smile
I just need you to remember

and so to my friends and family
and to everyone who greeted me
for making my 21st birthday special

the biggest thankyou, the tightest hug and
the sweetest kiss
for the huge effort of texting people to greet me

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