
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a big fat sikh wedding.

the other day while I was relaxing in front of the TV with my parents I came across discovery channel's exclusive feature of an Indian wedding. I was naturally intrigued and proceeded to watch the episode. It turned out to be the wedding of hotel scion Vikram Chatwal and some Bollywood actress named Priya Sachdev. My mother and I were both enjoying the program while my dad fell asleep on the couch.hahaha! I think only girls would appreciate things like that. I actually envy the girl! What a catch! and her wedding is every girl's dream and probably more! It was totally fantastic! The wedding ceremony actually lasted for about a week. They must have spent billions of dollars for that wedding. It was very entertaining to watch. But after watching it I discovered something about myself. I was actually surprised to realize that I do not anymore craved that kind of wedding. I was right to say that it was probably every girl's dream wedding come true but it was exactly just that, a LITTLE GIRL'S dream wedding. My sister and I used to compare and argued about whose wedding plans were grander, more colorful etc. But now when I think about my wedding I realized it really doesn't matter how grand or elaborate my wedding is as long as I'm in love with the man that I would marry and as long as its not in Las Vegas (that would completely turn me off because I believe that any guy who would consider taking me in that place for a cheap and fast wedding does not respect me and our love for each other-he probably just wants my sexy body! ahaha!). He could probably take me to a courthouse and I wouldn't complain.

what am i talking about???
i just miss blogging.


to know more about vikram and priya's wedding
click this


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