thinking of the 73.then midnight birthday messages.corlene trying hard to get the time right.cramming for oblicon.the coffee i drank hours earlier just taking effect.wanting to sleep but can't.finally falling asleep at waking up at 4am simultaneously waking me up in the process. got up and prayed. thank God for giving me another year and wishing to make things right this 2010.did oblicon again.replied to messages.met up with oblicon AGAIN.arranged my stuff for the sleepover. got all excited for the upcoming rockband marathon.met up with law school friends at teased.greeted.pretended to study.Skimmed Luke, John and Acts. went hurriedly to class afraid to be late.discussed last meeting with sir teased AGAIN.waited for Sir Casino for hours. attended class. sir dismissing us late. me arriving late at teriyaki boy. ate so fast I didn't quite savor the food. played rockband till my fingers were stiff.night walking.:)
the philo-religio part:
Christians,among all religious people, are the most fearful of death.
I think this is because we believe in the existence of heaven and hell.
Other religions believe in the cycle of life, karma, rebirth etc...
They don't fear death precisely because they knew exactly what would await
them in the afterlife. By their actions alone in this world they knew what
to expect in their next life. But Christians are never certain of what would
await them. I am not even sure we believe in an afterlife. Always lingering
at the back of our minds is the idea of hell and its everlasting fire and
of heaven and paradise. We do good because we want to go to heaven and not
because its the right thing to do. We refrain from doing bad things because we
are afraid we would go to hell.
tsk tsk tsk
kinda depressing and very embarrassing...