
Friday, April 30, 2010

decluttering my life one memory at a time...

after being sick with "super-flu"
I've spent my April
doing a lot of cleaning and thinking...
so now
after weeks of cleaning
my dorm stuffs are organized
my books are arranged beautifully
my clothes fit in my closet
my socks, swimsuits, handkerchiefs,
bandanas and accessories are segregated
and the cds and dvds are cleaned and stored

Unlike other people
I have always loved cleaning
I love the feeling of getting something done
at the end of the day
and I like seeing the messes of my life
all wiped out
I always feel free afterwards

this april 2010
after weeks of decluttering
amidst piles of dust
and after being assailed with
a thousand memories
I feel free again
I'm ready to face the world again
because apparently
after 10 months of being depressed
due to law school
all I need is my yearly dose of cleaning
My mom insisted on cleaning the other day and so I ended up spending the entire day amidst piles of papers and covered in dust. I sorted out my law school stuff and arranged them for next sem and then got some of my college stuff thrown out as well. Then my mom brought this huge box containing my highschool books and some grade school stuffs and I just can’t help but laugh and cry at all the memories the things packed in the box made me remember. There were autographs signed by my friends with funny answers in them, photos long forgotten, and notes that I had thought were lost. I saw my old attempts at poetry and even my old organizers filled with my daily schedule that I had thought were superbly hectic at the time. And then I came across a flower, nicely dried and pressed between the pages of an old organizer turned diary. I laughed at my clearly sentimental young self and tried to remember who gave it to me and why I had thought it was special and decided to preserve it. But the saddest thing is that I can’t remember. Goes to show how fickle the mind really is and how forgetful human beings are.
But I suppose it was a good reminder for me not to be a pack rat. So now every time I have an urge to keep things because of their sentimental value I would just look at the picture of that flower and remember that things only have value because we attach meanings to them and that soon I would forget why they have sentimental value at all so there would actually be no need to keep them.

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