
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Summer means different things for different people.
It may mean ice creams, unlimited playtime and hot days for some
or beaches, daytrips and all night partying for others
maybe even added schoolwork or extra jobs.
But there is one meaning of summer that I think is universal for everyone.
The start of something new, something different.
I think that no matter who you are or where you are
when summer starts something different happens in your life.
Maybe a new routine, a different job, a different set of wardrobe etc.
It may not be big sudden changes but changes nonetheless.
And changes that affect your life one way or another.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


you were that pair of spectacles I needed to clear my increasingly blurring vision
the moment you came into my life, everything started making sense
now they are not just shapes and shadows in technicolor haze
but things and people in multicolor facets

Monday, March 07, 2011

while waiting for the rain to stop.

and just like the old times, i sit in front of a computer and type incoherent random thoughts away, while the aircon freezes me and the rain is pouring non-stop.

and today is even predicted to be hot...
weirdo weather
friggin rain

oh and I was late for class kanina
wth right?

Sunday, March 06, 2011

of bomb-blasts and fires and maybe guardian angels.

I have been sheltered my entire life and before law school I have always lived in my parents' house. I never had to worry about fires and thieves and other dangerous things. I was safe. But now I am exposed 24/7 to all things dangerous. I lived at probably one of the most dangerous places in Manila where rallies happen almost everyday. I always went home late at night and walk home to an unlighted street populated with street people who are always suspicious looking. I eat at many unsanitary places probably risking my health in the process. And I lounged about places that are often filled with smoke that are perhaps more than just cigarette smoke. I had been at that bomb-blast in Taft where many of my classmates where injured and just recently a fire broke out near my dorm. At both instances I was thankfully not hurt. But both events made me think more about death and my own mortality. And perhaps God and guardian angels who keep me from harm. It has been so long since I believed in anything supernatural and it is quite a refreshing to realize that the belief in something as childish as guardian angels still exists somewhere in the deep recesses of my heart and mind.
And so today, I went to Church thanking God for keeping me alive despite the many dangerous things surrounding me, for keeping my loved ones safe and for sending guardian angels to guard my every move.
And tonight I'll go to sleep but not before I say that long ago memorized guardian angel prayer.
Just to show my appreciation to Gabriel, Michael, Satriel, Raphael, Uriel, Judiel, Barachiel and to all those other angels whose names I don't know. :)

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