
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Movie for the lost soul.


Ahhh this movie is like that much needed coffee in the morning.
It wakes me up and fills me with a sudden burst of energy.

Must watch for people like me.
Souls who just needed to find a way back to the main road.

Great soundtrack too. In my opinion better than ONCE's soundtrack.
John Carney I am such a big fan of yours!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

because life is in a continual flux

“You can only play a single main role in another person’s life. When your scene ends, you can’t just continue the act or play someone else’s part.”


now that I am 27 years old I realized that if a role doesn't fit no matter how much effort you give in playing that role you will never be the kind of character the play requires.
so move on. find another role to play. and when you find the perfect role play it with all your heart.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

not forgotten.

I lay in bed that night and felt loved again. I went to bed for the first time in months, maybe even years, feeling more than fine. I knew I should have felt guilty for cancelling on you but the guilt was almost forgotten when I learned of your actions. I wonder how you could trust me so.
It wasnt just twice you know, when I add it all up I think it would get past ten. I disappointed you that much.
But you never stopped giving me second  chances and that is why I knew a part of me would always be yours.
In this world of  chaos and distrust you always managed to make me believe in trust and second chances.
Many have loved me perhaps more than you ever did but no one has ever trusted in me the way you did, you do.
And that is the reason why I know that I will always love you.
Not in love just the simple love you so deserve.
Thank you for the trust.
And yes I write about you too. A lot actually.

Friday, May 17, 2013


“He found himself thinking that maybe stories don't just make us matter to each other - maybe they're also the only way to the infinite mattering he'd been after for so long.

And Colin thought: Because like say I tell someone about my feral hog hunt. Even if it's a dumb story, telling it changes other people just the slightest little bit, just as living the story changes me. An infinitesimal change. And that infinitesimal change ripples outward - ever smaller but everlasting. I will get forgotten, but the stories will last. And so we all matter - maybe less than a lot, but always more than none.”
---John Green "An abundance of Katherines"

I have never been one of those people who wanted to be famous and matter to the whole wide world. I never dreamed of being widely recognized or tremendously followed. Sometimes I even go out of my way just to be a wallflower. But I would be a hypocrite if I say that I don't want to matter to at least one person. Although I never want to be famous I still wanted to make a difference. To touch someone's life. I think that life is a shared experience, that we don't truly live unless we start being open with other people. I used to close myself off and put walls up but now I have learned that mattering means sharing and that touching someone's life means letting them touch your life as well.


Yesterday I was ashamed of myself for being discriminatory. I hope the man didn't feel hurt when my sister and I walked away from him. I knew he wasn't contagious but the initial reaction was just too strong and I guess I was really too weak to fight it. I'm sorry old man. I didn't mean to be discriminating.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013


you are the gap here.
the time elapsed.
the absence felt.

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