
Thursday, February 02, 2006


Mediocrity sucks! I am not accustomed to it. I never was. We should always seek for more out of life. Being contented with what we have right now is great but not longing for more and not discovering things and consciously setting limits is… boring! It really sucks. I don’t want to be a full-time plain classroom student. In high school, I’ve joined every club and participated in all school activities and enjoyed it very much. Friends were everywhere. They joined in too. We were all such busybodies. But we loved it. We even became carpenters, graphic artists, home acrylic painters, actors, directors, and more because of the activities there. It pushed us to be very creative and resourceful. Not having much support and procrastinating brings out the best in us. As long as we have each other and were having fun, everything naturally turns out great. We even get surprised at ourselves sometimes for the awesome result we can’t believe we’ve achieved. Mind you, we have such high standards. Here, life is limited to the classrooms. Friends are focused on their own studies. Well, that’s good but what about being a well-rounded person? Don’t they want to be more? Why don’t they have interest in theater groups? Glee club? Dance troupe? School paper? Student council? (Meron ba?!) and other clubs and orgs?! Did they even experience working on plays and going out by themselves with friends to different locations for school work or gimiks?! Did they even stayed late past midnight? Had overnights with group mates or friends? Go on outings? Were their field trips as vigorous and exciting as our outbound? I really love taro for all these things. I hated the rules in there, and sometimes the management of activities, but the whole experience in there is incomparable. You really appreciate something more than ever after experiencing others. You realize that what you were really looking and longing for was just right in front of you.

the post above was written by my friend Wap
i had gotten that from her blog

can relate lng..
been missing all the activities
all the late hours
all the stressing
not that i don't have them here
its just different
studying all the time!
i want some action!


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