
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

awkward moment

I decided to go home immediately after the game
coz I was a little disappointed with the outcome
so I took a cab but I realized the cab driver was freaky
and looks like he's on drugs or something
so I asked him to just dropped me off near the train station
I rode the train and stopped at Araneta
upon stepping out of the train a sea of green
greeted my eyes
argh! the scene was such an eyesore (im just saying this bec.
I'm bitter..hahaha)
since I hated the sight of so much green
I walked as fast as I can to the MRT station
but the greens were everywhere
I can't seem to evade them
and so I spent the entire train ride agonizing
not only was there green everywhere I look but there were also
girls and boys conversing excitedly about the game
I was actually grateful I wasn't wearing blue
coz if I did the people in green would most probably stare shamelessly
at me like I'm some kind of experiment or something weirder than that
The moment the train stopped, I walked as fast as I can to the exit
but there was a long line so I had to wait for like 10 mins
thankfully there weren't as much green people as there was at Araneta
As I shifted the focus of my eyes from the guard to look at my watch
I caught sight of a girl looking at me
When our eyes met, she smiled and said a very enthusiastic UI!HI!
I was taken aback of course but managed to put a tight smile on my face
At first I didn't recognize her but after some thought I managed to racked
my brain and remembered who she is
We came from the same HS and she graduated a year early
we weren't that close but we were certainly acquainted with each other
after exchanging the polite prerequisites of society (meaning HIs and HELLOs
our conversation totally went awkward at least for me

HER: your from lasalle too right? I am so glad we won!!!
ME: (totally SILENT, eyes looking everywhere except at her)
HER: how come your not wearing green?
ME: (still silent)
HER: (looking expectantly)
ME: (unable to bail out of the situation)you're not wearing one either
Followed by a huge weird looking smile and an empty laugh
HER: hahaha..just ran out of green shirts..haha

thankfully she had to ride in the other direction
and we have to separate after that
then I met another former HS acquaintance who is also a lasallite
but this time there were no more awkward conversations like the previous one
we just exchanged some smiles and polite hellos
and that's that

i just have to write


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