
Monday, September 03, 2007

for some weird reason...

“Yesterday is a cancelled check: forget it.
Tomorrow is a promissory note: don’t count on it.
Today is ready cash: use it!”
-Edward Bliss

When people build bridges, do they really mean to build
them or do they build them because they have to?
And when people cross them, do they do so willingly or
do they do them because they felt there is no other way
than to cross them?
How do we know that with the building of bridges our
lives will improve?
How are we certain that bridges were really meant to connect
and not destroy?

I am doubting everything
Yes I am doubtful
and cautious
and overly inquisitive
but so what?
am I not allowed to do so?

I question your motives
your actions
your reasons for acting thus

and most of all
I question you

Why in heaven's name did you do that?

i am beginning to hate you


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