
Saturday, September 06, 2008


It is a well known established fact that people change.
And I think I have reconciled myself with that fact
except now that I am again faced with this certain
situation, I find that I believe otherwise.

People progress. They grow old and mature.
Again this is an established fact and I also once
thought that I agree with that but when faced again
with the aforementioned situation, I turn around
and realize that no some people don't.

I wonder then why everytime we meet, even just brief
encounters like last time, I inevitably tripped.
Your brown eyes seems to have this weird effect on me
which eventually causes me to regress.

Years and years of practicing the 8 fold path
and many months of exercising myself so as to
liberate myself from Tanja
all got wasted
the moment I laid eyes on you.
F*ck there goes Nirvana!
Lucas to Peyton:
I hate you. You ruined my life. I wish you never came
Even if we all know he doesn't mean it, it hurt Peyton.
If you're the one who heard that I swear you're gonna
cry your eyes out too.
So please don't tell me its ok.
because its not.


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