
Sunday, February 05, 2006

show and tell

A few weeks ago when our English professor told us that we’re going to have this so-called show and tell in class I wasn’t that enthusiastic about it. I was never comfortable talking in front of a large number of people much more share something about me. But when he told us what it is that we’re going to bring, I was kind of excited about it. He told us to bring something that is very significant for us. The first thing that came to mind is my Senores bandana. It was easy deciding what to bring because I know exactly what it is that is very significant for me. But then as the show went on I realized that I would have wanted to bring a lot of things. Not that my Senores bandana wasn’t enough, its just that there are other things pa pala that are very significant din for me. And if I was given another chance to “show and tell” something, these are what I would bring:
1) My sepaktakaraw (the one we used when we won against the fourth-year team when we were juniors) = because it is a reminder of that victorious time. And it reminds me of the best team I’ve ever had the chance of becoming part of. Nien, Dai, Pao, Ikay and me. We had such great team spirit, we totally connect. My sepaktakraw reminds me also of the days of thorough training, the hurtful bruises, the small cuts, and swollen ankles even the little misunderstandings. It was a reminder of the days when I had perseverance and discipline as virtues, when I had friendship and team spirit as values, when I had prayer and trust as anchors.
2) My CLE award medals (yes, both of them..hehehe) = for some it was a surprise I had gotten that award, more so when I had gotten them twice. Hehehehe! It was a surprise for me too. I didn’t know why my teachers choose to bestow on me that award but nevertheless I was happy receiving them. Makes me feel I’m worth something and that I am not such a bad person afterall. And well, it reminds of the belief and trust people had on me. I guess I consider it as an ego-booster, it may not mean a lot to other people but it means a lot to me. Hmmmmnnn..now that I think about it…maybe it was mere compensation for me..the heavens tried to placate me so I wouldn’t be hurt too much by the fact that I hadn’t gotten into the Merit list and award me instead with the CLE award..at least I was able to get upstage twice..hehehe..
3) The CSR logo = it is simply a reminder of the place where I spent almost half of my life. Of the place where I get to form my values, my perceptions, my own self. Of the place that taught me almost everything I knew. Of the place that nurtured my ideals, my talents (if I really have one),and my beliefs. Of the place where I had met the people who played, are playing, and will continue to play a major part in my life. Of the place that caused me much pain but much happiness too. Of the place where I actually grew, not just in body but as well as in spirit. Of the place I had grown to love.
4) Pictures of my friends and family = not much to be said here. Obviously because the pictures are reminders of moments and memories shared and created together by these people I love.
5) My acceptance letter in Ateneo = I was very proud when I had gotten into the Ateneo. It was my dream university. Eversince I was 11, I had started building this dream for myself. I really wanted to be able to study in Ateneo that was why when I had gotten news that I was accepted I literally jump for joy and cried. Hahahaha! That is why my acceptance letter is very important for me. It is a reminder of my dream coming true.


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