
Sunday, November 26, 2006


i only have two classes today
one at 8:30-9:30 and one at 10:30-11:30
supposedly i should be home by 12:30 but i have a meeting at 2:30
so basically i have at least a 3-hour break in between
so i went to my car intending to put some of my things inside
when i reached it
this big yellow parking violation sticker surprised me
turns out that i absent-mindedly took the wrong car to school
so i walked all the way to the blue eagle gym only to find out that the physical plant was at the back of the gym near the gradeschool area
so again i walked under the hot sun and found myself being referred to another location
and another location
and another location
and another location

after i don't know how many hours i finally got my violation settled

in the end
my 3-hour break resulted
not to hours of relaxation but
an hour of talking,
another hour of walking
and another of lining at the cashier to pay

but the weirdest thing of all is...

i'm still smiling


i can't seem to wipe this stupid smile off my face

tsk tsk tsk

something must be wrong with me




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