
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

current events

as i was sitting in my POS100 class
i realized that i really don't know anything about what's really happening
in our country today
I was so clueless..
I felt so embarrassed that I didn't know a damn thing about
Charter Change, or Con-Ass, or whatever it is that my professor was talking about
I have no idea what the stupid Congressmen are doing inside that House of theirs or what those old Senators are planning
I didn't even know that the retiring of our current Chief Justice is a cause for concern or the fact that that midget Gloria and elf-ears De Venecia are now on the winning side because the Majority are supporting them

I hate not knowing anything
and so from now on
I'll start watching the news
Even if I don't like doing that

the things I'd do for POS...


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