
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

oRdInArY PeOpLe take it slow

Maybe we'll live and learn
Maybe we'll crash and burn
Maybe you'll stay
Maybe you'll leave
Maybe you'll return
Maybe another fight
Maybe we won't survive
Maybe we'll grow
We'll never know
Baby, you... and I!

We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cause we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow
Take it slow..

-ordinary people-
John Legend

I'm not going anywhere..we are going to take it slow
if you are heading that way,I will let you
but I know one day you'll see it my way..

Monday, July 28, 2008

immersion 08. Sitio Binayoyo, BosoBoso, Antipolo City

After touring the area my first thought was...

"What the h*ll! How can people live without running water?"

which was immediately followed by..

"Sh*t! what have I gotten myself into?"
no words could possibly do justice to the experiences and adventures
my groupmates and I have gone through for the past 3 days...
it has been a whirlwind of activities and mishaps that surprisingly
ended quite well...
despite the numbing cold brought by the rain or rather the "unforgiving
storm", the shock brought by the realization that there won't be any
private and clean cr for our "needs", the aching muscles in our thighs
and shoulders, the muddy shoes,slippers and feet, the weird foods, the many
dogs (two-face, shirley,"barangay-hall dog"), the dark nights, the
mananaggal and salvaging kwentos and the
hidden uphill climbs

but the immersion really opened my eyes to the reality of this world
its really hard to believe that sitio binayoyo is situated in Antipolo CITY
when the place was anything but a part of a CITY (how can you call
a place with no electricity and running water a part of a CITy?)
and its even harder to believe that the place can be reached at all
its like the place was the mythical "peach blossom spring"
only it was the opposite because it was not a paradise it was rather
a mild nightmare
but the people were accommodating and very optimistic
I hope that they never lose those traits no matter what life may bring
and I wish to God that even after a year from now they would still
have their houses

so there..
that's my immersion experience in a gist

man! how I miss blogging!!!

going up the mountain
I feel the dread
of not being able to sustain
the kind of life I craved

reaching the mountain
I saw my fears come true
there's naught but a fountain
that I can use at cue

being in the mountain
I was glad to realize
that my fears were not retain
I was wrong to be scandalize

coming down the mountain
I was a bit surprised
that I was not able to obtain
the relief I thought would sufficed

instead I felt the pain
of leaving something dear behind
I had everything to gain
with little to give,I suddenly felt unkind

and so I tried to entertain
the vast heavens by praying
that the people may maintain
the values & life stories they have been sharing

I can do nothing but try to contain
the feelings of attachment
and hope that I can maintain
the lessons learned out of the forced settlement


a little trivia:
do you know what I did when I got home?
took a long bath (2 hours)
and enjoyed the feel of the hot water continuously
running through my body

it felt like heaven


Monday, July 21, 2008

ganun pla.

funny eh?

its a wonder you can joke about it
when it was anything BUT funny

in fact it was you and me
saying with all the finality in the world
"lets not go there"
"this should not be"

can you not see the irony?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

funny post

grabbed from a friend's multiply..
funny lang..
parang na-post ko na nga din to before eh
pro gusto ko lang tlga kaya
ok lang khit ipost ko ulit

So why are YOU still single?

Destiny Addict

These are the people who wait for fate to do something to let them meet their "soulmates" and whatever. They don't want to act because they believe that the person meant for them will just appear to them in unexpected ways---wow, just like Serendipity.

You'll always hear them say: "The time will eventually come. Don't come looking for love!"


Ever since this person became conscious of her/his surroundings, s/he has made a list of the qualities s/he looks for in her/his boyfriend-/girlfriend-to-be. If s/he meets someone and sees that person having a dirty set of nails, knitted eyebrows, wide-gapped teeth, or a penguin-like gait, that's the end of it. It's an instant turn-off for her/him.

You'll always hear them say: "S/he would have been okay. But then I'm looking for this quality..."

Busy Bee

Pardon, but you've got too many things on your hands like books, ballpens, papers and a calculator. On weekdays, you leave the house at 6am and arrive at 7pm. Upon arriving home, you just do your homework and then sleep. You're happy when you get to watch TV on Saturdays (and again do your homework). You're content with eating out with your family on Sundays (and still do your homework).

You'll always hear them say: "Sorry. I don't have time for that kind of stuff."

Friend Forever version 1

Oh, who are you fooling? You know you really like your best friend or special friend but you just don't say or express it because you don't want to ruin your friendship. Like when the person you love is with someone else, you pretend to be happy for him/her but in reality, you just want to melt like ice caps due to Global Warming.

You'll always hear them say: "I'm so happy for you!" or "I don't want to waste our friendship."

Friend Forever version 2

We can't do anything about it but you're really close to the opposite sex--but only as a friend. One-of-the-boys, ladies' man. You're neither homosexual nor bisexual, but you're really just friends with people who don't have the same chromosomes as you. You're happy just hanging out with them, chatting with them, hugging them without malice.

You'll always hear them say: "Are we having a drink later?" (if a girl) or "will I bring you girls home later?" (if a guy)

Born to be One

You're destined for single-blessedness and you can't do anything about it. :) You were probably created to live by yourself (but of course you have your family and friends, duh) until you get old and are sent to a Home for the Aged. I know a lot of people who seem to be headed in this direction and they're not ugly or abnormal. But sometimes, they can be a bit cranky.

You'll always hear them say: "I'm meant to be alone."


This is a person who's happy with whatever happenings and trip-trip. S/he will just pick anyone as long as there are no strings attached. It's just for fun and please, no serious business. Personally, I don't dig these type of people. They're probably just oozing with L. Just pour a cold bucket of water over your body and you're fine.

You'll always hear them say: "I'm not really ready to commit, but I really like you."

Wrong Time

These are the people who always reason out that they're too young or too old. They say there are such people, those who feel that there's always a right time for love. But it just seems weird because everytime there's an opportunity, they always think that it's not the right time. Yup, love always comes at the wrong time for them since oftentimes it comes exactly during board exams, problems with the family, or a long test the next day. :))

You'll always hear them say: "We had the right love at the wrong time..."

Parent Trap

Mom or dad don't like their precious daughter/son having a girlfriend/boyfriend even though s/he's already 22 years and earning her/his own money. They say you have to have a single strand of white hair before someone can visit you. Or maybe, you're the one who has a problem since you're scared of what your parents would think about the person you like. Maybe they'll say that he/she too small/tall/fat/thin for you.

You'll always hear them say: "Dad might get mad."


Because of the numerous heartbreaks you've been through and the emo songs you've listened to before, you swore you'd never love again. You don't want to. You're tired of slashing your forearm...er...of putting dramatic status messages on YM and of crying buckets and buckets of tears. Awwwww. >:D< Or it might be that you're too insecure of yourself that's why you're not brave enough to venture into some love quest.

You'll always hear them say: "I'm so sick and tired of getting hurt!" *sniff*

Your Ex-Lover Is (NOT) Dead

Yikeeee. You still love your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend and you can't get over that person. Boo. You still remember the laughter, the tears and the PDA moments even though your ex has (insert verb here) with another girl/guy. You say you've moved on but when you talk about love, remember! S/he's still the one you're thinking of.

You'll always hear them say: "I'm over him/her..." *then suddenly cries :))*

Don't Want

Here's two possible scenarios again. First, you just don't like to have someone. I won't force the reason out of you but there are just times that you don't like anyone in particular. Second, maybe...the person you like doesn't like you in the same way. And that's the shizzest thing ever! He/she may not like you because he/she has someone else, he/she's busy or whatever, or maybe he simply doesn't like you and you can't do anything if that's the case. :(

You'll always hear them say: "I don't want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet." or "He/she doesn't like me anyway."

Which one are you? :)

see? funny diba?
ako lahat ata ako

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

People Like Us.

People like us have a tendency to want to be alone.
We are so confuse about our lives that we somehow
imposed loneliness on ourselves rather than confuse
someone else.
To outsiders, a courtship between two people like
us would mean the start of a relationship that would
put an end to our imposed loneliness.
But that goes to show how little they know about
people like us.
If they have been blessed with the kind of foresight
that we have then they would not have pushed through
with that logic.
A relationship between two people like us is not really
a relationship in the normal sense.
In fact it would not be a relationship at all.
It would be as someone quite nicely put it, a "tension driven
disaster" but one that is enlightening.
I know disasters are not suppose to be good but trust me
this one is.
But alas, some theories proved to be more real and provable
when it comes to people like us.
It seems like we are after all bound by that famous law
a scientist once stated.
We are too much alike. Are we not?
I get too close you push me away. You get too close I push
you away.
It seems like when people like us interact with people like us
we get caught in this eternal activity of push and pull.
We go around in circles, waltzing through life and dancing
around the barriers we both erect to keep each other out.
I erect a wall you endeavor to put it down, I would then lower
my guard but you would suddenly start to put up a wall to
protect yourself. Naturally I would endeavor to destroy the wall and you
would slowly yield and then when I start to realize that you
are beginning to yield I would erect my wall again and thus
the process would continue to repeat the steps.
When people like us meet we follow this cycle almost religiously.
It is almost as if we are willing to keep the
cycle going on infinitely.
I do not actually know.
Perhaps its really the way we are.
Perhaps people like us were meant to be that way.

Dear Peter Pan...

do you know that I hate coffins?

I would not drive nails into that awful coffin wood
that you so woefully used as a metaphor...
I would instead plant roots so that like a tree our
bond would
And unlike your COLD HARD metal nails
the roots would be ALIVE
"My existence in your heart" would not be a one time
hammer driven reality but a
dynamic growing tree certainty

you do understand don't you?


Monday, July 07, 2008

quick week run-through

finished business analysis
speculations cleared
lunch dates kept
missed bos and acquintance party =(
watched ADMU vs DLSU live!!! =)
went to a somewhat sappy Pabaon
managed to grab a date for musical play!!!
excited for the weeeeekkkkkeeeeennnnddd

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

for the hopeless romantic.

a friend of mine wrote this...
any hopeless romantic out there
might be able to relate

??? D=m/v ???

Density is defined as the mass of an object over its given volume.
However, as all things are in this world, it is subject to interpretation.

Density is the way you look at me,
Without regard or care at what you see.
It is in the fact you laugh wholeheartedly,
Even when you see in my eyes it hurts me.

It involves asking me to stay,
When you know I'm in a bind.
Then going simply away,
leaving me behind.

Density is how I look at you,
and see one dream actually come true.
It's when I spend time with you,
yet convince myself, I'm not in love with you.

It involves going out of my way,
when I know for a fact I shouldn't,
just so I can see you make my day,
even when there's a big chance you wouldn't.

Density is how we look at each other,
the way we talk and laugh without a bother.
It is when we spend all night sitting together,
and come out, still friends forever.

It is me denying you know...
It is you pretending you have no idea...
It is me getting hurt ...
It is you getting bothered...
It is us acting awkwardly...

Density is how we relate to one another
more than a friend or partner
more than brother or sister
but still never a lover...


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