
Friday, September 19, 2008


the darkness have no answers.
but isn't it weird how many of us in moments of extreme confusion choose to stay in that darkness? its as if we find comfort in the darkness even if there is nothing there but emptiness. there was a time when i wonder how some people managed to stay in the dark but now i realized what they find in the darkness. they do not find answers that is for sure, in fact they do not find anything substantial in the darkness. but sometimes it just feels so good to be part of the darkness,to be THE darkness. when you've been in the darkness for too long it can be hard to go back to the light. i mean why go back to the light when all that the light contain is pain and suffering right? what could be more foolish than going back to where you can see what you don't want to see, to where you can feel what you don't want to feel, hear what you don't want to hear, and know what you don't want to know? if seen in that mindset then the darkness seems like its paradise. but we all know its not. we all know that the darkness is a void. so why stay?because I need to find some place where there is no YOU. where your hair,your smile and your fucking eyes don't exist.
pictures from postsecret.com


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