
Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Next Chapter: Law School

My father and I are still not talking
but law school is now a very definite
I would be lying if I am to say that
I am indifferent to this recent change
in my life because right now,
I am pretty sure that I'm
feeling every emotion humans
are capable of.
I am afraid, excited, forlorn, anxious
depressed etc...you name it, I'm probably
feeling it.
What have I gotten myself into?
I do not know a single thing about law
school except that it is tough.
My heart extremely palpitates (I am
not joking) whenever I think of the
next four years.
If I had gotten my way
I would have gladly been sitting
in an office somewhere doing
managerial responsibilities in some
obscure company.
Darn! I don't want to forever live
in my father's shadow!
But this is the hand
that I've been dealt with
by fate and so I am
going to play it...
Let the next set of games


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