
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

because I'm bored

1. Spell your first name backwards.
// zil.

2. If you're stuck on a deserted
island you could only bring 2 things,
what would they be?
// food&water.

3. What month were you born in?
// january.

4. What did you wanna be when you were
a kid?
// lawyer.


5. Wallet:
// i have three wallets, one is blue then i have a pink one two and the other is red.

6. Describe your toothbrush:
// baby blue and there is a white thing at the middle!

7. bf/gf:
// i wish. lol.

8. Pillow cover right now:
// white with little daisies. nyakk.haha.

9. Underwear:
// white. haha.

12. Favorite shirt/s:
// dami eh!

13. Cologne/Perfume:
// i rock bench.

14. CD in stereo:
// ung sa close-up na cd.hahaha

15. Piercings:
// ears. two on the right and one on the left.though i think sarado na ung isa sa right



16. Wearing now:
// damit xmpre.

17. Wishing for:
// hulaan mo.lol.

18. Wanting:
// something.

19. last thing you ate
// cheeseburger from mcdo.

20. Something you are deathly afraid of
// losing any of them.

21. Do you like candles:
// not really.

22. Do you like the taste of blood:
// I'm not a vampire.

23. Do you believe in love
// who doesnt?!?. haha. of course.

24. Do you believe in soul mates:
// i used to. ewan ko ngaun

25. Do you believe in God:
// definitely!!

26. What's something you wish you could
understand better:
// un na un.



27. Are you shy around your crush?
// kinda.

// everyone has secrets and since it is a secret I am not going to share it.lol.

29. Do you know what it feels like to
be in love?
// i really don't know.

30. Would you sacrifice your favorite
possession for your best friend?
// hell yeah!



31. Where is your favorite place to
// glorietta.

32. What is your favorite thing to
// bsta damit.

33. What is a must have accessory?
// wala.

34. How much is the most you've ever
spent in a single clothing store?
// hahaha.hulaan mo ulit.

35. Who is the least fashionable
person you know?
// ako.lol.

36. Do you match your belt with your
hair color?
// i don't usually wear belts.

37. How many shirts do you own?
// too many

38. What is the worst trend you see
// huh?

39. Do you do drugs?
// never.

40. What kind of soap do you use?
// safeguard.

41.What are you listening to right now?

42. Who was the last person that
called you?
// my mom.

43. What do you want to do?
// sleep.

44. How many buddies are online right
// juz 1.

45. What are essentials in your life?
// whatcha think?

46. Hair right now?
// up in a ponytail as usual.

47. Mood
// worried but bored.

48. What is/are your favorite color/s?
// blue. white. red.

49. What would you rather be doing
right now?
// sleep!sleep!sleep!

50. Did you actually read the last
// yup. =)


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