
Monday, June 25, 2007

(no subject)


take note, love one who will fight for you

and bravely face each and every consequence...

Someone whom you can call "MINE"

rather than "IDEAL"


one of the earliest lessons that I have learned in life

is this:

I cannot own everything.

It doesn't matter how much I wanted

something to be mine if its not meant for me then its never going

to be mine

oh well,

I do not live in UTOPIA

the world I live in is far from perfect

there are rules

and societal norms

that we all must follow

there are boundaries

limiting our every move

forbidding everything out of the ordinary

but who knows

maybe one day

I'll live in a perfect world

where I can call him mine

and where he wouldn't be just an "IDEAL"

maybe just maybe

one day he will forget about her

and forget the kind of "security"

she offers

and fall for me instead

but until then

I'll content myself

with just being with him

even if this is just a game for him

I'll just close my eyes for a moment

and pretend that I live in a perfect world

savoring every forbidden moment

because I know

that at the end of the day

I'll open my eyes

only to see him happily with her


hahahaha..i just wanted to post something cheesy..;p


  • i...know how you feel.

    By Blogger goddess, at 3:32 AM  

  • i messaged you sa friendster :) invite mo ko sa ym.. - haeja

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:51 AM  

  • hey...may kwento ako. basahin mo latest entry ko ... - haeja

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 AM  

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