
Sunday, February 12, 2006


finding someone, searching for that somebody
someone to hold
someone to cry
someone who would make me feel alive
MAYBE its you
MAYBE its you all my life
there are moments when you seem to get out of your busy life and just sit down for a quiet reverie
you think of moments that have passed and realize how time passes by so quickly
and then you remember those days of blissful and worry-free existence
those days of happy events
those days of trust and faith
those days of romance
yes romance...
coming from someone who had not so long ago posted something that may have sounded anti-love and bitter
this may seem sarcastic
but really
romance and love whether we admit it or not is a big part of life
and most of us again regardless of whether we admit to it or not spend most of our time looking and searching for that someone who would make us feel the euphoria of falling in love
i guess its natural to look
and even more so to hope
i tried to stop feeling this way
but i guess i won't be able too
it is after all NATURAL
i guess i am just getting tired
getting tired of looking and hoping and falling
im so tired most of all
is love really suppose to be natural?
can it be unnatural?
can somebody make it unnatural just so i wouldn't have to feel it anymore...
can somebody stop making me feel
coz it hurts so damn much
im bleeding


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