
Wednesday, July 05, 2006


just this afternoon my Sci 10 professor choose to discuss something about radiation..
as i was slowly drifting into the world of slumber i heard something that interested me---> X-RAY
now why would that interest me you might ask...
easy its because
i have always been fascinated by it especially its seemingly superb characteristic of being able to see beyond the capacity of the naked eye
isn't it amazing how a simple-looking machine can capture the inside of a body that was otherwise hidden from the view of the common human eye
i have always wanted to have that kind of "power"
wouldn't it be nice if i can just see through the person
but i mean that in a very innocent way, not the x-ray vision most guys would probably want to have
then i wouldn't have to be fooled and betrayed and hurt ever again by any person since with that "power" i would be able to gauge what kind of person im dealing with

weird right?
anyway as I'm on the topic of radiation
i just want to share something
Ate PREGNANT xerox-lady just passed by me and with my current position
I have a clear view of what she is doing and right now she is still providing photocopying service for about a gazillion people holding books as big as my accounting book
you can just imagine what she is doing everyday, every week, every month
and her situation actually bothers me
I'm really concern for her
I mean she is pregnant after all and I know for a fact that photocopying machines emit some sort of radiation
Pregnant women when exposed to radiation risks their children
the babies when they come out would probably have abnormalities
i wish Ate would stop and take a pregnancy leave
we do have a maternity leave in ADMU afterall
she can benefit from that i suppose
oh well


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