
Monday, May 15, 2006

quotable quotes

well i saw this one on my friendster bulletin and i thought it would be nice to post it here...just for some thoughts and laughs
Josie Geller: Sometime you'll kiss someone and
know that's the person you're supposed to kiss
for the rest of your life.

The only wrong thing would be to deny what your
heart truly feels.

You will see a lot of things,
But they will mean nothing to you
If you lose sight of the one you love.

If you love someone you say it...
you say it right then,
out loud...
or the moment just...
passes you by.

I would rather have had
One breath of her hair,
One kiss from her mouth,
One touch of her hand,
Than an eternity without it...

Fate exists but it can only take you so far,
Because once you're there
It's up to you to make it happen.

When you've found that person you want to spend
the rest of ur life with, you want the rest of
ur life to begin right away."
---When Harry Met Sally

"Sometimes when you hold out for everything, you
walk away with nothing."
---Ally McBeal

"if two people are meant for each other, it
doesnt mean that they are meant for each other

---pacey whitter "DAWSON'S CREEK"

Lois: You know, if somebody had asked me three
days ago who the one person in the world I
admired most was, I'd have said you. But,
without really knowing what that meant. Without
understanding that the hardest thing about being
you is all the things you can't do. All the
cries for help that you can't answer, and how
that quietly tears you apart. But it never stops
you. And after living a little of that myself, I
realized something...something I never thought
was possible.
Clark: What?
Lois: I love you more. More than I ever have and
more than I ever
thought I could love anyone, and so, I wanna
ask ... Will you marry me?

I know it's a cornball thing, but love is
passion,obsession, someone you can't live
without. If you don't start with that, what are
you going to end up with? I say fall head over
heels. Find someone you love like crazy and
who'll love you the same way back. And how do
you find him? Forget your head and listen to
your heart... Take the risk, if you get hurt,
you'll come back. Because the truth is, there is
no sense living your life without this. To make
the journey and not fall deeply in love -- well,
you haven't lived a life at all. You have to
try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't
lived... Stay open. Who knows? Lightning could

Man: "Will you love me for the rest of my life?"
Woman: "I will love you for the rest of mine."

I guarantee it won't be easy
I guarantee that at one point or another
One of us is going to want to leave.
But I also guarantee that
If I don't ask you to be mine
I am going to regret it
For the rest of my life
Because I know in my heart
You are the only one for me.

Dear Catherine,

I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in so long. I
feel I've been
lost. No bearings, no compass. I kept crashing
into things, a little crazy I guess. I've never
been lost before. You were my true north. I
could always steer for home when you were my
home. Forgive me for being so angry when you
left. I still think some mistake's been made and
I'm waiting for God to take it back. But I'm
doing better now. The work helps me. Most of
all, you help

You came into my dream last night with that
smile of yours that always held me like a lover,
rocked me like a child. All I remember from the
dream is a feeling of peace. I woke up with that
feeling and tried to keep it alive as long as I

I'm writing to tell you that I'm on a journey
toward that peace. And to tell you I'm sorry
about so many things. I'm sorry I didn't take
better care of you so that you never spent one
minute being cold or scared or sick. I'm sorry I
didn't try harder to find the words to tell you
what I was feeling. I'm sorry I never fixed the
screen door. I fixed it now. I'm sorry I ever
fought with you. I'm sorry I didn't apologize
more. I was too proud. I'm sorry I didn't bring
you more compliments on everything you wore and
every way you fixed your hair. I'm sorry I
didn't hold on to you with so much strength that
even God couldn't pull you away.

All my love. G.

"The only feeling of real loss is when you love
someone, more than you love yourself."

When you love someone,
And you love them with your heart,
It never disappears when you're apart.
When you love someone
And you've done all you can do,
You set them free.
And if that love was true,
When you love someone
It will all come back to you

You cannot find true love where it does not
truly exist. And you cannot hide it where it
truly does.

I created my very own first breakup rule:
Destroy all pictures where he looks sexy and you
look happy.
Breakup rule No. 2: Until
emotionally stabilized, enter no stores.
rule No. 3: Never stop thinking about him, even
for a moment. because that's the moment he'll
And finally, the most important breakup
rule: No matter who broke your heart or how long
it takes to heal, you'll never get through it
without your friends.
---Carrie, from the sitcom SEX AND THE CITY

" i miss you so much it hurts"

"Half my days i cannot bear not to touch you,
the rest of the time i feel it doesn't matter
if i ever see you again. It isn't the mortality,
it is how much you can bear....."

Do you believe in love? I bet you don't, you're
probably too
sensible for that. Have you ever seen someone
and you know that if only that person really
know you, they'd dump the perfect model they
were with and realize that you are the one they
want to grow old with? Have you ever fallen in
love with someone you've never talked to? Have
you ever been so alone you spent the night
confusing a guy in a coma?

"anything less than mad, passionate,
extraordinary love is a
waste of your time. there are too many mediocre
things in life to deal with and love shouldn't
be one of them."

"i'm here to love you, to hold you in my arms
and to protect you. i'm here to learn from you
and to receive your love in return. i'm here coz
there's no other place to be."

"Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of
what I saw, of what I did, of who I am. And most
of all, I'm scared of walking out of this
room and never feeling the rest of my whole life
the way I feel when I'm with you."

"When you kiss someone, everything around you
becomes hazy... and the only thing in focus is
you and this person... And you realize that this
person is the only person you should be kissing
for the rest of your life... And for one moment,
you get, this amazing gift... And you wanna
laugh and you wanna cry... Cuz you feel so lucky
that you've found it and so scared that it'll go
away all at the same time..."

"It's funny how we set qualifications for the
right person to love
while at the back of our minds we know that the
person we trully love will always be an
---Ally McBeal

"how can you assume to be friends with someone
when all you think about when you look at him is
how much more you really want?"

if two people love each other, but just cant
seem to put things together, when would that
point be.. when one would say enough is enough?

"So this is love...so this is what makes life
divine. I'm all aglow,
and now I know. The key to all heaven is mine.
My heart has wings, and I can fly. I'll touch
every star in the sky. So this is the miracle,
that I've been dreaming of... So this is love."

Don't you understand? That everything I do, I do
for you? Anything that might be special in
me...is you.

One day, you look at the person and see more
than you did the day
before, like a switch was flickered somewhere.
And the person who was just a friend is suddenly
the only person you can imagine yourself with.
-Xfiles (series)

I feel like the best version of myself when i'm
with you... and that makes me doubt everything

Is it possible to be just friends with someone i
have these sort of non-moderate feelings for?...
Or am I doomed forever to just be in love and
ultimately significantly hurt?

"There are some people who meet that somebody
that they can
never stop loving, no matter how hard they try.
I wouldn't expect you to understand that, oer
even believe it, but trust me, there are some
love that don't go away. And maybe that makes
them crazy, but we should all be lucky to end up
with that somebody who has a little of that
insanity. Somebody who never lets go. Somebody
who cherishes you forever."
--- Ally Mc Beal


  • Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place,
    suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace,
    suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    it all revolves around you.
    -- Moulin Rouge

    You make me want to be a better man
    -- As Aood As It Gets

    In these dreams I've loved you so, that by now I think I know what it's like to be loved by you. I will love being loved by you.
    -- The King and I

    Hahaha! Nabasa ko yung mga quotes, wanted to share a few more na alam ko.... cheesecakes! hahaha! :)

    By Blogger kuya wa, at 7:47 PM  

  • He was my north, my south, my east, my west,
    My working week, my Sunday rest.
    My moon, my midnight, my talk, my song.
    I thought love would last forever:I was wrong.
    - 4 Weddings & a Funeral (W.H. Auden poem)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:56 PM  

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