
Thursday, January 04, 2007

year end survey

I felt like answering a survey...
so here goes...

Looking back on 2006
About You...
Name:Elizabeth Unay
Nickname:Liz, Lizbeth, Laiza, Bebeth
How old were you in 2006?:19
What was the most important thing you discovered in 2006?:heartaches go away, wounds heal, and life goes on
What will you always remember about 2006?:the heartaches, the stress, and my HK summer trip
In 2006 did you...
Keep your New Years resolution?:yeah
Go on a holiday?:yup
Change jobs?:nope..never had one
Buy anything from eBay?:nope
Prank call someone?:no way that's so grade school
Get drunk?:never got drunk in my life pa
Get high?:no way
Fall in love?:i don't know
Break up with someone?:nope broke up year 2005
Get married?:yeah to Daniel Radcliffe..hahaha..;p
Get divorced?:yup to Elijah Wood..hehehe..;p
Stop speaking to someone?:technically YES
Kiss someone?:kiss where?
Kiss someone whose name you can’t remember?:nope
Make a new friend?:of course
Do anything embarrassing?:I always do
Do something that you thought that you would never do?:yeap
Do something you have always wanted to do?:yeap
Do anything that you regret?:kinda
Do anything illegal?:oo..parked a car without an ateneo sticker sa loyola schools parking..hehehe..;p
Break a promise?:I never seem to keep one so yeah I probably broke a lot of promises
Lose something?:yeah my grey wallet
Go crazy?:I am always crazy
Best of 2006...
Movie:Step Up
TV Show:PDA..;p
Song:Hawak Kamay
Album:ewan ko...
Thing you bought:my plane ticket to HK
Memory:HK trip
Worst of 2006...
Movie:ewan ko
Song:ewan ko ulit
Album:mas ewan ko
Hangover:never got drunk so malamang wla ako hangover
Memory:un nakita ko xa may kasama iba..yuck drama ng sagot! ewww!
About 2007...
What do you want in 2007?:good grades
Is there anything you would do differently in 2007?:probably study harder
Do you think it will be a good year?:yeah..of course coz I would make it a good year
What do you look forward to most about 2007?:Vacation
Do you have a New Years resolution?:nah
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