
Monday, May 05, 2008

my weird morning and my even weirder thoughts..

I woke up today at 5:30am
feeling tipsy
and still sleepy from the 3am
session I had with my sister
and cousins which was totally
impractical considering I have
class at 9am..
I went down for breakfast
and instead of seeing the usual
mom and dad tandem at the
table I saw my lola laying out
plates at the table instead and I guess
that was weird because I am not used
to waking up in the morning
not hearing the very loud voice
of my dad or the usual "ELIZABETH!"
call of my mom that serves as my alarm
in the morning..
then I tried to hail a cab in a place
that I wish I would never have
to go back to probably because
there were all sorts of people at that
place it was so confusing and not to
mention very disturbing..
then I rode a cab with a total stranger
and while dropping her off at her school
I unexpectedly saw an old friend,
if riding
a cab with a total stranger is not weird
I don't know what is..
and then I got practically freaked out by the
cab driver who asks the most personal
questions (are you still a virgin miss?)
and say the most maniac things
(sabi ko nga dun sa nakasakay ko "e di
mabuti pa pla kayo na-aadjust niyo
ung penis niyo"
then when I got to class we did nothing
but discuss hostages (a pregnant woman who got
cheated on by her husband and a seemingly
gorgeous model who happens to be celebrating
her birthday on the day of the hostage
) and executions
and some life values..
then I decided to cut class so I could
watch a corny love-story but nevertheless
entertaining movie with
Aga Muhlach and Anne Curtis as the lead stars
I know some of my friends wouldn't believe
that I actually watched that but I did
and what was weird about it is that I loved
watching it..(don't know why though,it must
be the love song or the crazy ringtones
of people who don't know how to put their
phones on silent mode when watching a movie..hahaha! ;p
then after that
I rode the MRT and I noticed this guy
looking at me at first I thought that my
pants' zipper is down or that I had dirt
on my face so I checked both possibilities
and thank god I was wrong
my zipper was actually in place
and I don't have any dirt on my face
so what is this guy looking at?
just when I was about to give up discerning
what could be the possible reasons
for his obvious interest in me
he suddenly smiled and offered to pay for
my MRT ride
I declined of course and walked as fast
as I could and make sure he is not following
then when I rode the jeepney I got lucky because
I got to sit across a very attractive and uberly
sexy man..
the moment he sat down and look at me
the world just seem to spin
I almost felt dizzy..hahaha
I know this is really weird
but I don't care this is my blog
I am free to write weird stuffs here
oh and please just pardon my "gushing"
I just had to blog about him..
I find him attractive not because he is
mestizo or chinito (which by the way is my
usual type
on the contrary he is very tan
not negro tan or moreno tan
just you know the "healthy" tan
hes got these really strong looking arms
and possesses a muscular frame (not macho type though)
he is also sporting a semi-kal haircut
which I always find cute on guys
and man! he sure knows how to smile
and I am certain he can seduce
any girl he wants with that
deep baritone of a voice..OMG!!!
ultimate crushable..
and to top it all of he is probably
a year or two older than me..
I took every opportunity to stare at
him when he is not looking (I know that was
rude but who cares I was just admiring a very fine work
of God, nothing is wrong with that right?..hahaha
but then he caught me staring at him
and I was to embarrassed to look away
so I just challenged myself and
look at his eyes (and melted..hahaha)
and attempted to insert some sort
of defiance in my eyes and hope
to the heavens that my facade works
and luckily it did
because he just smiled and mouthed a
very sweet hello..i thought i was going to faint
right then and there..hahaha
then when I was about to pay
my jeepney fare he intercepted my hand (which
I think is a very cheeky way to flirt with me
and said in that uberly sexy and seductively
deep voice of his "ako na"
which left me speechless for at least
a minute and when I finally "woke-up"
from my stunned disposition I remembered to say
thank you
normally I wouldn't allow a total stranger
to pay for me and even touch any part of my skin
much less "hold" my hand but nothing
in my day today is normal so I guess I made
a few exceptions for him and besides
he is so attractive
this might probably be my only chance to
flirt with a totally sexy guy like him...
I spent the rest of the ride smiling
and probably grinning like crazy
unfortunately for me I didn't get to
catch his name because I got off way too early
but at least he smiled at me
before I got off and when I looked back
he was looking me in that intense way
guys do when they want to say something
but they just can't...
argghhh..so cute..

so there, that was my weird day and my weird
I attribute this weirdness to my ever changing
emotional status which most of the time
gets me in trouble..
and the flirting attitude to the Aga Muhlach film
combined with raging hormones..
don't worry this mode will pass
this is totally temporary

i so love being a girl..


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