
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

dahil umaga na at hindi pa din ako inaantok.

bakit kaya yung iba gusto nila palagi sinasabi "akin ka diba?"?
para bang hindi nila kayang mabuhay na walang inaangkin
magmamahal kunwari pero sa totoo lang gusto lang magkaroon ng pag-aari
ginagawang bagay ang pag-ibig
kinakalimutan na ang tunay na nagmamahal ay hindi sakim
kundi mapagparaya

para sa hinihingian:
alam kong may mas hihigit pa.
darating ang araw na magiging masaya ka.
makakalimutan ang mga panahong nagmimistulang troso kang palutang-lutang
at walang tiyak na patutunguhan.
may susulpot sa buhay mo na tiyak mong ikatutuwa.
mamahalin mo siya't matutupad ang lahat ng pinapangarap mo.
pero sa ngayon, wala pa naman siya.
maari bang habang nagaantay ka
maging iyo muna ako kahit sandali?

galing sa humihingi

ganyan dapat
ganyan ang tama


The phrase I miss you is one word short of what I really wanted to say and what you needed to hear but for now that's all I can give you.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

bombing incident.

we were having fun.
jumping around and chanting school songs like crazy.
taking pictures of our foolish looking selves and dodging liquid matter to avoid beer and coke stains on our clothes.
it was turning out to be a fun day.
and then suddenly out of nowhere there was this freaking blast.
everybody suddenly went berserk.
people were pushing us and there was shouting everywhere.
everything went by so fast and i just found myself holding my friends' hands and jumping barbed wires.
and all i can think of was that i had to take my friends away.
i didn't even think of helping the wounded, at least not after i was sure that my friends were all safe.
does that make me selfish?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Because I am a 20-something average underachiever...

Here are the things really worth caring about in your 20s.

When you’re 25-ish, you’re old enough to know what kind of music you love, regardless of what your last boyfriend or roommate always used to play. You know how to walk in heels, how to tie a necktie, how to give a good toast at a wedding and how to make something for dinner. You don’t have to think much about skin care, home ownership or your retirement plan. Your life can look a lot of different ways when you’re 25: single, dating, engaged, married. You are working in dream jobs, pay-the-bills jobs and downright horrible jobs. You are young enough to believe that anything is possible, and you are old enough to make that belief a reality.


Now is the time to figure out what kind of work you love to do. What are you good at? What makes you feel alive? What do you dream about? You can go back to school now, switch directions entirely. You can work for almost nothing, or live in another country, or volunteer long hours for something that moves you. There will be a time when finances and schedules make this a little trickier, so do it now. Try it, apply for it, get up and do it.

When I was 25, I was in my third job in as many years—all in the same area at a church, but the responsibilities were different each time. I was frustrated at the end of the third year because I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do next. I didn’t feel like I’d found my place yet. I met with my boss, who was in his 50s. I told him how anxious I was about finding the one perfect job for me, and quick. He asked me how old I was, and when I told him I was 25, he told me that I couldn’t complain to him about finding the right job until I was 32. In his opinion, it takes about 10 years after college to find the right fit, and anyone who finds it earlier than that is just plain lucky. So use every bit of your 10 years: try things, take classes, start over.


Now is also the time to get serious about relationships. And “serious” might mean walking away from the ones that don’t give you everything you need. Some of the most life-shaping decisions you make in this season will be about walking away from good-enough, in search of can’t-live-without. One of the only truly devastating mistakes you can make in this season is staying with the wrong person even though you know he or she is the wrong person. It’s not fair to that person, and it’s not fair to you.


Twenty-five is also a great time to start counseling, if you haven’t already, and it might be a good round two of counseling if it’s been a while. You might have just enough space from your parents to start digging around your childhood a little bit. Unravel the knots that keep you from living a healthy whole life, and do it now, before any more time passes.


Twenty-five is the perfect time to get involved in a church you love, no matter how different it is from the one you were a part of growing up. Be patient and prayerful, and decide that you’re going to be a person who grows, who seeks your own faith, who lives with intention. Set your alarm on Sunday mornings, no matter how late you were out on Saturday night. It will be dreadful at first, and then after a few weeks, you’ll find that you like it, that the pattern of it fills up something inside you.

Don't get stuck

This is the thing: when you start to hit 28 or 30, everything starts to divide, and you can see very clearly two kinds of people: on one side, people who have used their 20s to learn and grow, to find God and themselves and their deep dreams, people who know what works and what doesn’t, who have pushed through to become real live adults. And then there’s the other kind, who are hanging onto college, or high school even, with all their might. They’ve stayed in jobs they hate, because they’re too scared to get another one. They’ve stayed with men or women who are good but not great, because they don’t want to be lonely. They mean to find a church, they mean to develop honest, intimate friendships, they mean to stop drinking like life is one big frat party. But they don’t do those things, so they live in kind of an extended adolescence, no closer to adulthood than they were when they graduated college.

Don’t be like that. Don’t get stuck. Move, travel, take a class, take a risk. Walk away, try something new. There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming. Don’t lose yourself at happy hour, but don’t lose yourself on the corporate ladder either. Stop every once in a while and go out to coffee or climb in bed with your journal. Ask yourself some good questions like: “Am I proud of the life I’m living? What have I tried this month? What have I learned about God this year? What parts of my childhood faith am I leaving behind, and what parts am I choosing to keep with me for this leg of the journey? Do the people I’m spending time with give me life, or make me feel small? Is there any brokenness in my life that’s keeping me from moving forward?”

Now is your time. Become, believe, try. Walk closely with people you love, and with other people who believe that God is very good and life is a grand adventure. Don’t spend time with people who make you feel like less than you are. Don’t get stuck in the past, and don’t try to fast-forward yourself into a future you haven’t yet earned. Give today all the love and intensity and courage you can, and keep traveling honestly along life’s path.

Taken from Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist Copyright © 2010. Used by permission of Zondervan. www.zondervan.com. Reposted from Kathy Macaraig's page. Reposted from Kirk

Sunday, September 19, 2010

remember this always.

"With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."
---from Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

on attachment and walking away.

The original version:

Why aren't you scared too?
sometimes, but I get attached anyway..you see I know that people come and go because that is an uncontested fact but I decided to be attached because I also know that some people stay…I just put my faith on them knowing that it is really immaterial whether they leave or stay, either way, they became part of my life and I became part of theirs.

I put my faith on people because sometimes, some people are worth it.

Which is why I hate it when people walk away. I hate it when people leave without so much as a backward glance. I hate it when they hurriedly run away afraid to face a new reality. I hate it when they don't jump because they are uncertain of what will happen next. I hate it when they leave without even trying.
Yes, there are a lot of hate words in this particular paragraph but it really just riles me up knowing that a lot of people do these.
Walking away without trying should be made illegal.
I think we all deserve that backward glance that means a whole lot more than just a simple gesture, that hand to hold in the scary reality of an uncertain life ahead, that incredible second chance that is always better than the first...
Because if some people are really worth the stay then we all deserve a chance to fight and be fought for. Nobody should be allowed to walk away easily...

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I had put dragonflies in the back of my mind, delegated them even in the folder called "childhood".
For me dragonflies are a thing of the past, representative only of good 'ol days.
But today as I look out my window I saw hundreds maybe even thousands of them flying about the place. And as they innocently fly about, I can't help but smile.
I take it as a good omen.
Maybe I'll have some good news soon.
I am well overdue for some of that.
Really need some good news in my life.
Desperately even.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

mondays with sir acong :))

during mondays I get to sit in a two-hour class listening to my professor repeat the words cadastral proceedings, original certificate of title and tax declaration etc a hundred times. And while I tried my best to stay awake and attentive the whole time, I still fail every time. So in order to alleviate my boredom and also in order to at least look attentive, I draw doodles on my notes or write emo phrases. Here they are:

I wonder if you think of me. I wonder if you miss me. I wonder always how you really feel about me. Am I friend, sister or lover? See this is what you do to me...you make me get all "emo"-ey..hahaha! :))

It amazes me that even if you are sad you still manage to make me smile. I'm about to say I love you but we both know that is not true so I'm just going to say thank you simply for being you.

What hurts more is that I know that I am indeed replaceable....

I get so sad sometimes
and I sometimes smile without apparent reason
They ask me who it was
that make me look insane
and that was when I realized
You never really left
You've been here all along
Haunting my mind with memories
and stalking my heart
with relived fantasies

Soldier's wife
Tell me you would stay
then I would jump for joy and say
Tell me you wouldn't feign
then I would know that I didn't wait in vain

Pick me, choose me please?
I need you to believe that we can do this

What makes a heart flutter?
Is it a kiss, a touch, a glance or a simple hello?
You make my heart flutter
and it keeps on beating furiously
even if I try to calm it down

I'm sorry I am a mess
I'm sorry I can't take care of you
the way you expected me to
I'm sorry you kissed her because
you are not with me
I'm sorry you have to lie when
I asked
I'm sorry I have to break up with you--inspired by my classmate's story, I was eavesdropping kasi..hahaha!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

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