
Friday, March 21, 2008

for someone.

a phonecall in the afternoon
familiar voice on the other line
small talk
direct topic
then came the teasing
followed by the smile that
gets wider every second
then the laughing
and eventually the realizations.
I had forgotten how easy it was to talk
to you.
How easy it was to laugh and be
I had forgotten how easy it was
to be ME.
I needed that talk.
I needed the assurance that I am indeed
Thank you for letting me remember.
Also, for reminding me that though it was over, the
friendship and care would always be there.
Thank you too for calling me LIZBETH
its been awhile since I heard someone call me that
its a relief to hear my nickname without a catch on it
basta its been great
I love hearing news from you
even if "mayabang" at "feeler" ka paminsan


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