
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

online quizzes..

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

You Are 77% Burned Out

You are very burned out.

You need a huge break from your responsibilities, starting as soon as possible.

And you need this time to reevaluate what you really want out of your life.

Because you're working hard and going no where... and that would burn anyone out!

You are a Great Girlfriend

When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful

But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself

You're the perfect blend of independent and caring

You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too!

Your Pirate Name Is...

Lord Jenny of the High Seas

Your Pimp Name Is...

Ms. Kisses

You Failed Your Driver's Test

You only got 3/10 correct.

If you have a driver's license, it needs to be revoked!

You Are 48% Girly

You're a little girly, a little boyish, and probably a whole lot indie.

You have your own unique style, and it pretty much defies gender lines.

You Act Like You Are 21 Years Old

You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.

You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.

The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.

You Are 40% Cynical

Generally you give people the benefit of the doubt. But there are exceptions.

You buy into many of the things that mainstream society believes, but you're not anybody's fool.

You Are a Little Messy

You aren't the cleanest person in the world, but you're definitely not a slob.

You clean up when you have the time, but you're realistic about what you can get done.

Generally, you're pretty organized and tidy - though you may have a few hidden messes.

You eventually get around to making things spotless, but you do it on your own schedule!

You Are Mostly Virtuous

You are a good person, or at least as good as you can be.

You try to do the right thing, and you have ended up with many virtues.

While you are virtuous, you aren't a saint.

There's definitely a bit of devilishness deep in your heart!

Where You Are Virtuous

You have the virtue of Temperance. You don't eat or drink excessively.

You have the virtue of Frugality. You spend your money wisely, and you are not wasteful.

You have the virtue of Cleanliness. You keep yourself and your home clean.

Where You Are Not Virtuous

You lack the virtue of Order. Many aspects of your life are chaotic and a total mess.

You lack the virtue of Chastity. You aren't guarded when it comes to intimacy.

You lack the virtue of tranquillity. Your life tends to be eventful and dramatic.

There's a 70% Chance That You Need Therapy

You almost certainly need therapy. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Lately life has not been easy for you. Why not let a therapist help you sort things out?

You're Not Exactly Psycho...

But it's pretty obvious that a small part of you isn't over your ex yet.

It's time to give yourself some space from him - being friends is not going to work right now.

So stay away from your ex for now... before he turns you into a psycho!

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Supportive

You are almost like a life coach for your best friends.

You give them help when they need it... but you also know when to give them a push.

People tend to rely on you for moral support and advice.

You've probably always been mature for your age, so this is a role that's you're comfortable with.

A friend like you is one of the rarest kinds.

You are both a good mentor and companion.

Your friends need you most when: They are confused or worried

You really can't be friends with: Someone who only wants to complain

Your friendship quote: "The only way to have a friend is to be one."

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...

But too damn weird to do anything about it!

On Average, You Would Sell Out For


The Only Thing You Play is "Cool"

It's not that you don't have the skills to juggle a few men

Nope, you just lack the desire.

You prefer dating to be a simple one on one process.

No games, no other people, no drama - just you and the guy you're getting to know.

You Are Destined to Be Thin

Even if you aren't thin right now, you have great habits that will ensure you're thin for most of your life.

You have a great relationship with food and eating. Don't change a thing.

You Are 52% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.

Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

You Are Jennifer Aniston

Girl next door with a free spirit.

You're low key and naturally sexy.

Sweet and approachable, people are attracted to your upbeat attitude.

And even when life doesn't go your way, you always eventually turn things around.

Your Flirt Quotient

You are 53% Flirt

Your Mind is PG-13 Rated

Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy.

You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude.

You Are a Visionary Soul

You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.

Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul.

You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.

Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.

You have great vision and can be very insightful.

In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.

Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.

You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul

Your Adult Film Star Name Is...

Nurse Naughty

You Are Friends With Potential

There's a little spark going on here, no question about it

Will this develop into a hot romance? Look to your guy friend for clues.

Does he flirt with all his female friends? Or are you an exception?

If he's giving you special treatment, you've won a part of his heart already.

You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Shy

When a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch

Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know.

From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up.

And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide.

Your Monster Profile

Basilisk Slimer

You Feast On: Fried Twinkies

You Lurk Around In: The Alamo

You Especially Like to Torment: Lawyers

Your Family Is 54% Dysfunctional

Your family definitely has some problems, but probably nothing that can't be overcome.

You don't have the greatest past with your family, and bad feelings may arise when everyone's together.

It may take some individual or group therapy to work everything out. And that means your family has to admit there's a problem.

If your family isn't ready to change, you may need to give them some distance for a while.

You Are 40% Paranoid Schizophrenic

You're pretty grounded, though you have your occasional paranoid moments.

Just make sure to ignore those voices in your head!

You'll Find a Boyfriend Within 3 Months

Maybe you need a bit more time to get over an ex

Or maybe you need a confidence boost to talk to new guys

Either way, you'll find a boyfriend in time...

As long as you keep getting out there and meeting new guys

You Are a Centaur

In general, you are a very cautious and reserved person.

However, you are also warm hearted, and you enjoy helping others in practical ways.

You are a great teacher, and you are really good at helping people get their lives in order.

You are very intuitive, and you go with your gut. You make good decisions easily.


  • you failed the driver's test?!?! liz, no wonder tumitirik tyo.. haha :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:20 AM  

  • hahaha..i knew it!!!bkt na surprise ka pa? the moment I saw the title I knew I was gonna fail that particular blog test..hahaha..
    the results of the tests were so hilarious noh..I absolutely love ung test na sbi I was probably a psycho and needs therapy and of course that bad driver's test and yeah I also liked the weirdness test..hahaha

    By Blogger RaNt, at 8:47 AM  

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