
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


nothing much going on except cases..digests..provisions..cases again..and digests again..and provisions again..oh and recits! and quizzes and failing midterms...but then there's the daily gossips with the girls..dinner with the girls and dadi bj to look forward to...oh and the regular teasing bouts with Tubig..then there's the catching up with college and highschool friends...but nothing much really...just doing the same thing over and over again..soooo monotonous..except for the occasional friday dates...speaking of friday dates..last friday was unexpected...it wasn't very awkward as I had expected but then M*xine being there was also unexpected..gee what must she think of me?...seeing me with a different guy everytime??? damn embarrassing..but I must say how natural it felt to be with N*el...linking hands with him felt so Natural..haayy..wonder why...anyway back to my updating...i have also been thinking a lot during my free time..free time meaning 15 mins everyday..hahaha...i have been thinking a lot about how life changes everytime and how different I view life in different stages of my life..sooo weird..and about politics too...never thought I'd be sooooo interested about politics...I'm becoming weirder everyday...so anyway I've got to go...have some digesting yet to do..


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