
Tuesday, October 05, 2010


There are a lot of people who believe that things don't just happen randomly. That there are no such things as happenstance or coincidence. That events in life must have occurred for a reason.
I was never among those who criticized the firm believers but I was also never among those who staunchly believed in it. I have always been neutral. Agreeing when I find it appropriate and disagreeing when I do not find it fitting.
But yesterday I witnessed a day when fate manifested its playful self.
It was all a matter of timing actually and maybe just a dash of self-indulgence.
If we had taken the stairs or the elevator instead of going down the very long escalator we wouldn't have been at the same time and place.
But like I said, fate is playful and surprising so it had to be the same time and place.
My friend said it was kind of funny and I must admit it was a bit hilarious but I was too preoccupied of what everything means I can't just laugh it off.
So here I am now surrounded by legal cases and law books, writing these thoughts on fate and contemplating nothing of legal significance.
Thinking "why the heck did that happen"?
The thing is it wasn't even my situation to contemplate. I wasn't the one totally affected because of the meeting. I was almost just a bystander. But yeah fate used me as some sort of pawn.
But what bothers me is why I was there to witness it in the first place
Is fate also trying to tell me something?
That I should believe in it because its real?
That maybe it is also time that I face my ghosts?
well whatever
I can't figure it out now
maybe someday I will...


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