
Monday, August 21, 2006


i was told that
riding with me
its not one of those rollercoaster rides
where you're speeding down the road at 180km/hr
they say that with me you don't have to worry about overspeeding or overturning cars
what you have to worry about though is whether you'd be there on time
coz i sure want to take it slow
but still they ride with me

with me behind the wheel
you're sure to experience a near heart attack episode
not because i was driving too fast (i could go up to a 90 but that's as far as i can go)
but because of recklessness and unavoidance
yeah what you've go to watch out for when you're with me are THE HUMPS (i can still hear santi screaming Bebeth!..hehehe)
nearly every one would agree that I'm a little careless about that especially at night

and another thing is
that when you're riding in my car
every part seems to fall apart and disengage when you apply too much pressure
so you have to be careful coz everything seems to be so fragile

and when im driving be sure to ready your heart for some serious nerve-wracking situation
coz when im parked and have to back up the car and gear it into reverse
im 95% sure to bump into something and im sure as hell that you're going to scream
your lungs out everytime i hit something (Dre: Beth! may something sa likod. hahaha)

so still wanna ride with me?
i bet you still do
you wanna experience it dont you...
just be sure that when you ride with me
you put your seatbelt on
coz riding with me
is anything but a quiet, calm and invigorating ride
with me
you're sure to get


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